AStA of HTW Berlin

Allgemeiner Studierendenausschuss

AStA of HTW Berlin

Your contact point for study problems,front against discrimination,promotion for study events,legal information,party organization,sustainability promotion,tech support
Always there for you. We are the General Student Committee (AStA) of HTW Berlin. Ten departments and their referents are at the ready to make your student life easier and to support you as much as possible.


We are diverse elected students across all possible study programs from the HTW TA and WH campuses to stand up for and represent the interests of the student body.


As an elected body of the HTW student body, we are the student representatives and are committed to representing the interests of HTW students on a voluntary basis alongside our studies.


By regular meetings and voting on your proposals, representation in committees, organization and participation in events, communication with everything and everyone, as well as standing up for your concerns.


We hold regular hybrid meetings. You can also send us an email or make an appointment to meet with us in our rooms or offices at any time:
Campus WH, Building B.
Campus TA, Building A.

Always well-informed

News and information from the AStA

Do you have any questions or need assistance?

Then get in touch with us at any time with your issues. Whether it’s an appointment for advice, questions about the semester ticket, support with problems during your studies or a new student initiative – write to us. The same applies to praise and criticism, of course. Simply use our contact form or write directly to one of the departments.

What do you want to look for?